Adventures Great and Small
I was born in 1944 in Yonkers, NY. Since then I’ve spent far too much time messing around with books and boats -- big ones, little ones, here, there.
I’ve published six contemporary nautical thrillers (three under my own name and, under a pen name, a series about sea-going terrorists and the team with the guts and wits to neutralize them), one nautical historical, one murder mystery and hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles on all subjects. I spent my junior year of high school aboard a square-rigged school ship where I learned, if nothing else, to hang on for dear life when aloft in the rigging; majored in Spanish literature at Dartmouth College; did my foreign study at the University of the Andes in Bogota, Colombia; served as a naval salvage diving officer (a ‘Bubblehead’); devoted twenty years to educational publishing; started several other business ventures of questionable success; traveled and raised two daughters (the greatest and most nerve-wracking adventure of my life).
When I write I aim for entertainment, accessibility, intense but plausible action and interesting, fleshed-out characters. In order to take full advantage of rapidly advancing technology and to attract new readers I’m currently reaching out in new directions. The basics, however, remain the same.
FLASH - Flash Fiction and other short items now posted on RANDOM SHORTS Page - CLICK ON MENU ABOVE
The Islander - A Stormy Night - A Magical Anchorage - Things That Shouldn't Be Seen
The Corregidor Rodriguez - Martina Experiences Evil Both Ancient and Modern High in the Andes Mountains
The Pirate Who Got Away - Piracy is a Dirty Business, Especially when Julius Caesar is Involved
An Ancestral Puebloan Thriller Petrograph at Mesa Verde